
Malu dan Tak tahu Malu

+Korang tak perlu malu jika:
Tidak mampu untuk hidup mewah seperti orang lain kerana berasal dari keluarga miskin.
+Tapi korang sepatutnya malu kalau:
Sanggup menyusahkan keluarga semata² untuk bergaya seperti orang kaya walaupun keluarga sudah cukup miskin.

+Korang tak perlu malu jika:
Pelajaran tak tinggi mana terpaksa berkerja membanting tulang pagi petang demi mencari sesuap nasi.
+Tapi korang sepatutnya malu kalau:
Pelajaran sampai ke luar negeri, kerja pun setaraf exsekutif tapi masih lagi berusaha keras untuk makan suap(Rasuah)..malu woh!!!!

+Korang tak perlu malu jika:
Tak mampu untuk berbahasa inggeris walaupun yang paling asas seperti thanks, welcome, dan sebagainya..
+Tapi korang sepatutnya malu kalau:
Bahasa inggeris cukup lancar mengalahkan mat salleh tapi tulisan jawi sepatah haram pun tak tahu hingga Alif Bata pun tak kenal..hahaha

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Tutorial Emoticon

If you are a blogger, and you often do blog walking, and then chatting on Guest book, you must know about the emoticons or small icons in the shape of head-animated icons that express the emotions of the writers. The emoticons become the means to explain more clearly about our emotions and feelings. Besides that, the Guest Book that becomes the place to chat will be more alive and varied.

If you want to add the funny emoticons to your Guest Book on your blog, you do not need to be confused because you will find many websites that provide the free emoticons on the internet. You only need to install the URL address in your Guest Book, or take the images/icons then upload them yourself.

Addemoticons.com is one of the websites that provide many funny emoticons, I think. Therefore, if you want to add or change the emoticons in your Guest Book, please visit at free funny emoticons .

Now, express your emotions by adding the emoticons in your Guest Book.
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heheheee....menjadi juga akhirnye..

just testing² je wat mcm ni...jadik juga ye...kuang..kuang..kuang..
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